Cat.# 15057 1× Table grinder
(MEZ Brno)
Cat.# 8605 1× Table single disc grinder
Cat.# 11161 1× Double-wheel Grinding Machine
A 0903-4
Cat.# 9182 1× Double-wheel Grinding
BL 25
(STS n.p.)
Cat.# 12830 1× Duble-wheel Grinding Machine - polisher
BNL 73
. |
Cat.# 15025 1× Grinding Machine
2 UB
Cat.# 13611 1× Universal center Grinding Machine
2 UD 750
(TOS Hostivař)
Cat.# 3171 1× Universal center Grinding Machine include internal grinding
Cat.# 1589 1× Production center Grinding Machine
BHB 40/1500 CNC - sinumerik 840D FM-NC
Cat.# 3334 1× Grinding center
BK 5/1000
(TOS Mělník)
. |
Cat.# 5124 11× Equipment for grinding band saws
BP 2
Cat.# 1431 1× Grinding on saws
Cat.# 780 1× Tool Grinding Machine
BN 102
(TOS Hostivař)
Cat.# 3051 1× Grinding machine
BN 102
Cat.# 14333 1× Grinding machine
BN 102
. |
Cat.# 8273 1× Surface grinding machine
BPH 320 A
Cat.# 10150 1× Horizontal Surface Grinder to general repair
BPH 320 A
(TOS Hostivař)
Cat.# 13924 1× Surface Grinding Machine
BRH 20.05
(Považské strojárne)
Cat.# 12823 1× Surface Grinding Machine
Planmaster FS 4180
Cat.# 13003 1× Surface grinding machine
SPD 30
. |
Cat.# 3305 3× Friction saw
FP-90, FP 80 S
(Kovovýroba Proseč)
Cat.# 15227 1× Table grinder
Cat.# 2894 1× Circular saw
Cat.# 4442 1× Grinder
Cat.# 9785 1× Cutter - friction saw
(ZSE Praha)
. |
Cat.# 14162 1× Wood machine
Cat.# 15688 1× Wood circular saw
Cat.# 13730 1× Facing lathe for wood
Cat.# 3463 1× Band-saw
(ŽPB Olomouc)
Cat.# 3410 1× Rotary table for milling models of large diameter
(TOS Kuřim)
. |
Cat.# 13579 1× Control panel to the ACRAMATIC control system
Cat.# 8818 1× Vertical machining center
Arrow VMC1250C
Cat.# 12328 1× Vertical milling center
(ZPS, a.s., Zlín)
Cat.# 13390 1× Vertical machining center
VMC 1260 E CNC
(ZPS, a.s., Zlín)
. |
Cat.# 7085 1× CNC milling machine
MH 500 C - na náhradní díly
. |
Cat.# 2425 1× Milling tool
ALG 200
Cat.# 8784 1× Milling tool
ALG 200
. |
Cat.# 7078 1× Vertical Milling Machine
6 P 12
Cat.# 15028 1× Milling machine
FA 3 V - ISO 40
(TOS Olomouc)
Cat.# 10499 1× Vertical Milling Machine
FSS 315 V/2
Cat.# 13101 1× Vertical milling machine
MF 250-01
. |
Cat.# 7577 1× Horizontal Milling Machine
FA 4 H
Cat.# 142 1× Universal Knee-type Milling Machine
FGH 32
(TOS Trenčín)
Cat.# 10528 1× Knee-type Milling Machine
FGS 25/32
(TOS Olomouc)
Cat.# 11412 1× Milling machine console with continuous control
Cat.# 8272 1× Knee milling machine with continuous control
FGS 40/50 CNC
. |
Cat.# 15646 1× Milling headstock on planing machine
HD 12
(Kovosvit n.p. Sezimovo Ústí)
Cat.# 15801 1× Grinding headstock on planing machine
HD 12 B
(Kovosvit n.p. Holoubkov)
. |
Cat.# 4688 30× Anchoring screw
M30 55x500mm
Cat.# 5949 2× The guide bracket spindle
VP 9 N pr.90mm
Cat.# 2611 1× Support column
Cat.# 16127 1× Support column to W 75
Cat.# 12044 1× The guide bracket spindle dia 100
. |
Cat.# 9907 1× Horizontal Boring Machine
Cat.# 16036 1× Horizontal Boring Machine
WH 10 NC
(TOS Varnsdorf)
Cat.# 16035 1× Horizontal Boring Machine
WH 63
(TOS Varnsdorf)
Cat.# 5320 1× Horizontal Boring Machine 4-axis control system MEFI 859
WHN 13.4 CNC - (Y) - 2400mm !!!
(TOS Varnsdorf)
. |
Cat.# 4900 3× Hydraulic thruster
EB 20/S
Cat.# 7151 2× Carrier Clamps
Cat.# 1281 1× Crane arm
Cat.# 2445 1× Crane arm
Cat.# 4914 1× Crane arm
. |
Cat.# 9926 9× Firefighter belt
Cat.# 6587 2× Travelling Crab
Cat.# 2802 1× Crane chick chain
Cat.# 2457 1× Travelling crab
1 T 10212 MAC 500 kg
Cat.# 13084 1× Derrick + hoist
. |
Cat.# 3130 1× Crane Way
Cat.# 2157 1× Crane bridge
. |
Cat.# 13233 1× Vertical turning lathe - VTL
Cat.# 13397 1× Vertical lathe - double column
SK 25 A
(ČKD Blansko)
Cat.# 9333 1× Vertical lathe - double column
SKD 32 A
(ČKD Blansko)
Cat.# 13660 1× Vertical lathe - double column
SSP 2600
. |
Cat.# 13320 1× Single column vertical lathe
SKJ 32–63
. |
Cat.# 14487 1× Vacuum pump
Cat.# 15798 1× Air eliminators
1000 l
(RND Ejpovice)
Cat.# 15041 1× Air eliminators
(MEZ Frenštát n.p.)
Cat.# 15548 1× Air eliminators
200 l
Cat.# 15799 1× Air eliminators
500 l
(TOS Čelákovice k.p.)
. |
Cat.# 1976 2× Compressor
Cat.# 1083 1× Compressor
Cat.# 2261 1× Double-piston compressor
2 JSK 75-22
(TOS Čelákovice)
Cat.# 13847 1× Compressor
3 JSK - 75
(VKDI Orlík Česká Třebová)
Cat.# 8193 1× Compressor
. |
Cat.# 10120 1× Screw-type compressor
Air-Master AM 55-7,5 B1
(Schneider Druckluft)
Cat.# 13712 1× Screw-type compressor
AirMaster AM 7-08 B1
(SCHNEIDER BOHEMIA spol. s r.o.)
Cat.# 10611 1× Screw-type compressor
AM 45-10
(Schneider Bohemia s.r.o.)
Cat.# 10525 1× Rotary Screw Air Compressor
AM 75.10 D
(Schneider druckluft)
Cat.# 10526 1× Screw-type compressor
GA 55 - na náhradní díly
. |
Cat.# 5629 3× Pressing preparation - not used
Cat.# 5070 1× Press shaft
Cat.# 13136 1× Replacement flywheel cover for LEN 40 C press
Cat.# 7187 1× Piston rod
Cat.# 13292 1× Manual control to the press
. |
Cat.# 11294 1× Eccentric press
TEVUN 6 (QPDA 60/60/1)
(ČKD Hronov)
. |
Cat.# 11944 1× Hydraulic press
Cat.# 11920 1× Four-post hydraulic press for molding ceramic materials and bricks
CJC 120
Cat.# 15423 1× Hydraulic punching lis
CZR 600
Cat.# 3798 1× Hydraulic press
DA 2238 A
Cat.# 6984 1× Horizontal hydraulic press
P 400
. |
Cat.# 12615 1× Hydraulic press brake
LE 100/3000
(GEFI GYÖR Hungary)
. |
Cat.# 12744 1× Press golden lever
Cat.# 12745 1× Press golden lever
Cat.# 13235 1× Pattern cutter
. |
Cat.# 3516 10× Wheelchair
900x700x300 - 1200x800x300
Cat.# 588 3× Electric truck
Cat.# 6177 3× Trolley scrapyard flip
Cat.# 15647 1× Transport trolley with drawbar
Cat.# 1749 1× Lifting platform
(Strojtex n.p.)
. |
Cat.# 4047 1× Shearing profiles
NPM 10
(Strojáreň Piesok)
Cat.# 3278 1× Shearing profiles
NPM 10 - bez motoru
(Strojárne Piesok)
Cat.# 15016 1× Hand Lever Shears
NPR 10
(ELCHRON v.d., Polná)
Cat.# 10647 1× Universal shearing profiles
NUD 500/20
(Strojáreň Piesok n.p.)
. |
Cat.# 6760 1× Hand lever shears
Cat.# 13810 1× Hand lever scissors with punch
Cat.# 9794 1× Hand lever shears
125 mm
Cat.# 6882 1× Hand lever shears
A 5
Cat.# 3595 1× Hand lever shears
. |
Cat.# 2877 1× Table shears
CM 40/4 - 4000/4
Cat.# 10531 1× Guillotine shears
NTC 2500/4
(Strojárne Piesok k.p.)
Cat.# 14272 1× Table shears
NTE 2000/4
Cat.# 5477 1× Table shears
NTE 2500/4 B
(Strojáreň Piesok)
Cat.# 6182 1× Table shear
NTE 2500/4 B
(Strojáreň Piesok)
. |
Cat.# 16125 1× CNC machining center with Fanuc i-series control system
Cat.# 16126 1× CNC machining center with Fanuc i-series control system
. |
Cat.# 4149 1× Slotting Machine - portable
HOT 100
Cat.# 2561 1× Vertical Slotting Machine
StSR 500
. |
Cat.# 655 4× Exhauster
Multivac 3
Cat.# 9801 4× Industrial vacuum cleaner
Multivac 3
Cat.# 9802 4× Industrial vacuum cleaner
Multivac 3
Cat.# 4746 1× Exhauster
Cat.# 11571 1× Extractor
. |
Cat.# 4433 1× Uncoiling machinery
. |
Cat.# 5317 1× Machine for the production of metal roofing
. |
Cat.# 11244 1× Sheet bender
XOCA 2000/5
(ZŤS Košice)
Cat.# 12907 1× Plate bending
XOM 2000/4 B
(Šmeralovy závody n.p.)
. |
Cat.# 15013 1× Bender pipes and fittings
. |
Cat.# 7694 1× Rotary dryer
(Walther Trowal)
Cat.# 12872 1× Machine for degreasing metals
IP 50
. |
Cat.# 2596 1× Metal writing device
Cat.# 13722 1× Electric cabinet
Cat.# 6012 1× Polyamids line
(EMG Zlín s.r.o.)
Cat.# 7370 1× Micro- printer
CN 210 Sp
Cat.# 15564 1× Manual sweeping machine
HKM 800
. |
Cat.# 15809 1× Cutting machine
RS0MA; 24V, 45W
Cat.# 14043 1× Plasma cutting maschine
. |
Cat.# 10505 1× Circular saw
PKM 60
(MEZ Postřelmov n.p.)
Cat.# 10707 1× Circular saw
PKM 60
Cat.# 10708 1× Circular saw
PKM 60
(STS Šumperk)
Cat.# 12376 1× Circular saw
PKM 60 - bez svěráku
(STS Šumperk)
Cat.# 12536 1× Circular saw
PKM 60 - bez svěráku
(STS Šumperk)
. |
Cat.# 6848 1× Band Saw semi
BS 280 SHI-E
. |
Cat.# 8788 1× Hacksaw
HD 210
. |
Cat.# 9566 1× Automatic turret lathe
. |
Cat.# 10609 1× Lathe CNC
GDS 65/4A
Cat.# 15937 1× CNC lathe
NEF Plus 500
Cat.# 13586 1× CNC lathe center
Primus 2 CNC
Cat.# 8223 1× CNC lathe
Schaublin 128 CNC
Cat.# 15803 1× Automatic Screw Machine with Fanuc 3T Control CNC Swiss
VNC 12
(STAR MFG.CO., LTD. (Japonsko))
. |
Cat.# 515 1× Automatic stroke lathe to the rolling mills
Cat.# 15214 1× Centre Lathe
(Krasnyj proletarij)
Cat.# 16037 1× Centre Lathe
DM4S-550 – 2000mm
Cat.# 15857 1× Facing Lathe Machine
DP 1250
(VEB Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Zerbst)
Cat.# 15678 1× Centre Lathe
SU 80 A/3000
. |
Cat.# 3287 1× Semi-automatic lathe with numerical control
Cat.# 13658 1× Lathe semiautomatic single spindle
. |
Cat.# 15864 2× Flat belt at SV 18
Cat.# 7096 1× Cross table with cutter head
Cat.# 14087 1× Bar loaders for CNC lathes, bar feeder
SP 200 K 1
(Bürener Maschinenfabrik GmbH)
. |
Cat.# 15140 1× Turret lathe - finishing
. |
Cat.# 14495 2× Rolling head for FO 16
FO 16
Cat.# 8951 1× Apparatus for checking gears
Cat.# 3502 1× Control lathe machine gear
(Strojírny Čelákovice)
Cat.# 14494 1× Rolling head for FO 10
FO 10
Cat.# 12850 1× Complete set of replacement wheels on FO6
FO 6
. |
Cat.# 9374 1× Cutter Grinding Machine
Cat.# 12813 1× Gear tool grinder machine
SKB - F10
(Magerle Oerlikon)
Cat.# 5429 1× Grinding machine on hobbing cutter tools
SWFW 250 - stroj určený do GO elektriky
. |
Cat.# 15924 1× Gear hobbing machine
OFA 16 A
(TOS Čelákovice)
Cat.# 2654 1× Gear milling head gear
OFA 32 A
Cat.# 9371 1× Gear hobbing machine
OFP 20
(TOS Čelákovice)
Cat.# 12822 1× Vertical gear hobbing machine
OFP 32
(TOS Čelákovice n.p.)
Cat.# 2423 1× Gear Hobbing Machine
PA 180
. |
Cat.# 3132 1× Plate into the furnace - heat-resistant
Cat.# 1675 1× Box-type heating furnace
Cat.# 1142 1× Annealing treatment
Cat.# 2978 1× Shaft furnace
(ZEZ n.p.)
Cat.# 1704 1× Shaft furnace
KPO 38/8 R
. |
Cat.# 1728 1× Frequency hardening
Cat.# 15039 1× Hardening equipment - induction
Cat.# 2888 1× Hardening Furnace
Cat.# 7080 1× Hardening furnace electrical
HDG 4/3
Cat.# 7724 1× Electric furnace on the GO
VP 125 B
. |
Cat.# 14863 1× Wire stitcher
(Hans Müller AG)
Cat.# 1754 1× Paper-cutter
MS 115-2
Océ 450
(Océ Nederland B.V.)
Cat.# 1537 1× wire stitcher
. |
Cat.# 3109 8× Drying tubes to maintain the electrodes
Cat.# 3108 2× Electrode drying oven
PK 40
Cat.# 1213 1× Electrode dryer
(ZEZ n.p.)
Cat.# 13756 1× Table extraction
Cat.# 13757 1× Table extraction
. |
Cat.# 5652 1× Hand spot-welder
Cat.# 2861 1× Spot-welder
BN 10
Cat.# 12097 1× Spot-welder
BP 40.12
(BEZ Bratislava)
. |
Cat.# 3112 14× Welder
LTG 400 - bez kabelu
Cat.# 3104 6× Welder
LHF 400
Cat.# 3107 3× Welder
LTL 315, Protig 315 Inverter
Cat.# 3111 2× Welder
LTG 400 - bez kabelu
Cat.# 15455 1× Welder
MIG 315-1, UDI 315-1
(MEZ Brumov)
. |
Cat.# 6376 2× Rolling wheel
M 14x2x60mm
Cat.# 12896 1× Accessories for UPW Profile Roller 25
(VEB Wema Zeulenroda)
Cat.# 13113 1× Accessories for Profile Roller
UPW 25x100
Cat.# 13114 1× Accessories for Profile Roller
UPW 25x100
(VEB Wema Zeulenroda)
. |
Cat.# 6374 2× Rolling wheel
M 14x2x60mm
Cat.# 6373 1× Rolling wheel
M 14x1,5x80mm
Cat.# 6375 1× Rolling wheel
M 22x1,5x60mm
Cat.# 6776 1× Rolling wheel
Cat.# 6777 1× Rolling wheel
. |
Cat.# 8465 1× Table drill
550x450 , na průměr sloupu 110
Cat.# 5794 1× The device on the conical holes
Cat.# 5793 1× The device on the conical holes
Cat.# 12494 1× Spindle to drill VS 32
MK-4 - nové
Cat.# 3529 1× Slotting head for cutting sheet metal
. |
Cat.# 4439 1× Radial Drilling Machine
Cat.# 9273 1× Radial Drilling machine
VO 50/1600
(Kovosvit n.p.)
Cat.# 9523 1× Radial Drilling machine
VO 63
(Kovosvit n.p.)
Cat.# 9795 1× Radial Drilling Machine
VO 80
(Kovosvit n.p.)
Cat.# 15983 1× Radial Drilling machine
VR 2
. |
Cat.# 10036 1× Electric bench drill
Cat.# 764 1× Drilling Machine quadruples
Cat.# 5208 1× Drilling Machine quadruples
K 3/4
. |
Cat.# 15056 1× Column table drill without table - FOR SPARE PARTS
V 16
. |
Cat.# 13483 1× Bench Drilling Machine
. |
Cat.# 9256 1× Jig Boring
Cat.# 2270 1× Electroerosion sinking Machine
(JITEN Machinery)
Cat.# 10057 1× Electroerosion sinking Machine
M 430 CNC
Cat.# 6263 1× Electroerosion sinking Machine
. |
Cat.# 14859 1× Vykružovací stroj na plech, motorový - chybí motor
. |
Cat.# 12145 1× Screw-cutting Machine
MZ 2
. |
Cat.# 11014 4× Socket tap
M64x4 SH6
Cat.# 15349 3× Jaws in the tapping head
JOPO1N 1/2"-3/4"
Cat.# 15347 2× Jaws in the tapping head
JOPO1N 1/4"-3/8"
Cat.# 11018 2× Socket tap
M52x3 SH6
Cat.# 11017 2× Socket tap
M56x4 SH6
. |
Cat.# 10930 132× Felt disc
Cat.# 8602 20× Holder dressing wheels
prům 50
Cat.# 10666 12× Grinding wheels
C 49 36L8V 350x100x270
Cat.# 8601 10× Holder dressing wheels
prům 30
Cat.# 8603 9× Holder dressing wheels
prům 50
. |
Cat.# 5890 16× Slotting cutter - UNUSED
Cat.# 3577 9× Gear Cutter
Cat.# 15966 4× Hobbing cutter
m1,5x30° 1°38´14"; upínací otvor pr.22
Cat.# 15965 4× Hobbing cutter - UNUSED
m1,75x20° IIA 1°17´ upínací otvor pr.27
Cat.# 13152 4× Hobbing cutter for involute gearing
m2,5x30° 1°56
. |
Cat.# 5662 32× The flat drill cutting tip
pr. 55mm
Cat.# 5663 15× The flat drill cutting tip
pr. 60mm
Cat.# 11129 6× Hand tapered reamer
prům 8
Cat.# 5660 5× The flat drill cutting tip
pr. 42mm
Cat.# 7796 4× Stretching mandrel
délka 800 prům 45/48
. |
Cat.# 11438 201× Rolling wheels
20x10x6, rozteč 0,8 šikmá pravá
Cat.# 11441 136× Rolling wheels
20x10x6, rozteč 0,6 šikmá levá
Cat.# 11421 128× Rolling wheels
20x10x6, rozteč 0,6 rovná
Cat.# 11440 127× Rolling wheels
20x10x6, rozteč 0,6 šikmá pravá
Cat.# 11439 106× Rolling wheels
20x10x6, rozteč 0,8 šikmá levá
. |